How To Go From 0 To 100+ Clients, Build a Six-Figure Business and Take Your CRO Into Orbit.

What are you expecting?

So, you heard all about how you can create a profitable credit repair business from nothing, but it turns out there is a lot more to it than you expected. How to get started, how much to charge, where to find clients, and how do you even get them results?? It sounded so easy in the sales webinar with the really optimistic guy with the plastered-on smile, but now you are LOST!

You need help!

You need a mentor. You need a plan. You need a roadmap from someone who is already where you want to go. Entrepreneurship. Business owner. Financial Freedom. Location Freedom. Time Freedom. How do you get from where you are NOW to there? 

$2000-$3000 courses?

There are plenty of great courses out there for beginners. We know which ones they are, because we checked them all out once we figured out that the "14-Day Life-Changing Challenge*" was actually only a commercial to sell you software and get you to buy the "Millionaire Masterclass Of More Expensive Training*". But the courses that might actually teach you something are a few grand! Who can afford that, especially when you are just starting out? Or worse, they are sold by people who now make their living off selling courses and marketing their castles, and when they WERE doing credit repair they outsourced all their files, so they can't actually teach you how to get results!

*names changed to protect victims

The Credit Repair Gurus HATE This Course.

Welcome to the best value in credit repair courses, anywhere! We don't say that just because it sounds snazzy. You won't find any unfulfilled promises here. When we tell you that we will teach you how to run an effective company and make a living from credit repair, we mean it! This course was designed for YOU, for the inner entrepreneur that just needs a little direction. We packed more knowledge into this $499 course that we have EVER SEEN from one of the $3000 courses. We are not in the business of overpromising and underdelivering. We leave that to the folks living in the clouds. Here, we put the work in and do what we say we are going to do.

Already have a company?

That is perfect. You won't need the setup lessons (unless you didn't follow all the steps??). This course is still for you! We will show you hours of strategies, tactics and lessons learned so you can make more money, get better results and grow your company faster than ever before. You can jump right in and learn things you may have been curious about for a long time, spelled out for you and easy to follow.

About the Course

Welcome to CRO Blastoff, a course designed by a credit repair company owner for current and future credit repair company owners, to help you get where you want to go. It doesn’t matter if you are stuck after running a company for years or are a fledgling entrepreneur who isn’t even quite sure where to get started, this course will still have something for you.

CRO Blastoff is based in completely On-Demand videos with walkthroughs and how-to implementations so that wherever you are in your credit repair journey, you can take these lessons and start using to your benefit TODAY.

Meet Your Instructor: 

Hi, I'm Dustin, the owner of Rocket Financial Services, a successful credit repair company in Dallas, Texas. After getting let go from my 9-5 in the middle of the pandemic shut-down, and desperate to make ends meet, I built Rocket to well over $10,000/ month in less than 6 months. I couldn't afford the multi-thousand dollar courses for credit repair, so I had to fight for every client, every deletion and every dollar. I am honored to be able to bring you an affordable course with all the tips, tricks and things no one will tell you in hopes that I might be able to help your business go to six-figures and beyond, too. Being a business owner and building something of value from scratch is hard, but exponentially easier when there is someone to point the way and show you how to avoid obstacles. Thank you for being here. I am grateful for you.

What You Will Learn:

The Plan

  • Is this even possible?
  • Brainstorming your business name and what to avoid
  • Researching and buying your domain
  • Coming up with a logo that will represent your personal brand

The Set-Up

  • Creating your “Office”
  • Setting up and structuring your company legally and compliantly, and how to incorporate
  • What to look for when setting up your merchant account, gateway and recurring payment platform so you can get paid.
  • Optimizing your social media platforms and business pages
  • Creating an authoritative online presence to draw in leads.
  • Creating free branded content that looks like it’s from a marketing agency.
  • Getting out of your Comfort Zone for immediate growth.
  • Creating content that gives people what they want and attracts clients.
  • Setting up your company to stay organized and on-task.
  • Which CRM is right for you? Full review of Credit Repair Cloud and DisputeFox.
  • Credit monitoring companies and what you need to know
  • Talking to potential clients and the anti-sales script
  • Recording expenses and paying your taxes

The Play

  • Is factual disputing the best?
  • Introduction to METRO2
  • Setting up your clients for success
  • Picking your work-flow and knowing when to call an audible.
  • Processing clients.
  • Easy to follow, mapped-out workflows so you never have to wonder what the next step is.
  • How to master customer service.
  • Making the hard conversations easy.
  • Automations: Working less and getting more done.
  • Affiliate income and generating extra revenue.

The 30-Day Blastoff Challenge

  • A 30-day plan to jumpstart your marketing, gain brand awareness and make sure you get off to a great start.
  • Step-by-Step organic marketing playbook including all the infographics, posts, articles and videos you could ever need to kick off your company.

The Payoff

  • Marketing and growth.
  • Organic vs Paid.
  • The Power of Word of Mouth.
  • Easy-to-follow, mapped-out steps for getting leads and turning them into clients.
  • Scaling responsibly.
  • When, who and how to hire, and what to have them do.
  • VAs vs Office Staff.

Bonus Content

  • Over 150 EDITABLE infographics that you can add your company branding to and begin power marketing today! ($500 value)
  • FULL BLUEPRINT for building High-Limit Business Credit ($3000 value)
  • Specific strategies for social media marketing, including Facebook, TikTok and more. ($1000 value)
  • Step-By-Step automation tutorials so you spend time where it matters OR create a second income stream by setting up automations for others ($1000 value)
  • FULL Lead Nurturing Campaigns, Active Client Education Campaigns so you don't have to create your own content.
  • 30 Professional Blog Posts to add to your website to boost your Google ranking or to as newsletters. ($1000 Value)
  • Professional website template with tutorials on how to add your branding, lead forms and calendar. ($1000 Value)